Bonus Material:
The following is provided as additional material otherwise not provided in Print Edition of Newsletter.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: To help stretch our Donors' donation dollars we need Volunteers to help Fold, Stuff (when a N/L Edition has inserts), and Seal, to prepare each Newsletter for USPS delivery. To join the N/L Prep Team (once, twice, or each time, any time Volunteered appreciated), reach out to: WyandotteRTL@gmail.com.
Too Late for Press
Following provided as additional material otherwise not provided in Print Edition of Newsletter.

March 2024 Newsletter Volunteers helping to Fold, Stuff (when a N/L Edition has inserts, this one did not), and Seal, to prepare each Newsletter for USPS delivery.
To join the N/L Prep Team (once, twice, or each time, any time Volunteered appreciated), reach out to: WyandotteRTL@gmail.com.