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June 24, 2024
from Debbie Bloomfield, Upper Downriver Right to Life

The 2022 Dobbs Decision which reversed the Roe v. Wade ruling was remembered by Upper Downriver Right to Life with a Life Walk and Pro-Life Picnic held at Bishop Park in Wyandotte on Saturday, June 22.

The Fundraiser also raised awareness of the value of each human life from conception to natural death. Participants carried balloons and signs proclaiming "Choose Life!" The fifty one participants included some who made donations to sponsor the walkers while others, unable to walk, shared in the potluck picnic.

Rylee Linting, candidate for the 27th District Michigan House seat endorsed by the Right to Life of Michigan PAC joined the 27 walkers on the two mile route through downtown Wyandotte.

John Quaine, representing the Knights of Columbus Father Saylor Council, carried the K of C "Love LIFE/Choose LIFE" flag. He also presented 10 baby blankets from the Knights embroidered with the K of C logo and the words, "Created in the image of God." They will be delivered to Guadalupe Workers for the moms of new babies.

Participants carried “Passports” which were stamped by “Life Defenders” on the route: Wyandotte Hospital Heart to Heart Memorial Garden, St. Patrick Catholic Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, and St. Joseph Catholic Church. Those with filled “Passports” were entered into the raffle. The first prize of a fleece blanket with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe went to Katie Marcero. Leona Deszi received the book “Christitutionalist Politics” donated by Wyandotte author Joseph M. Lenard.

Upcoming Right to Life events include an entry in the Wyandotte Independence Day Parade, an information booth at the Wyandotte Street Art Fair and the September 18 Focus on Life Dinner at the Grecian Center featuring internationally known speaker Steve Ray. Information is available at or call 734-282-6100. 


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More photos are available at:
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LifeWalk 2024 Raffle Winners.jpg


LifeWalk 2024 L-W flier 2024.jpg
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LifeWalk 2024 Infant Memorial.jpg

Can't do the Walk? Care to still join us for the Picnic (Pot-luck)?!?!? RSVP and/or Donate at: 
Life Walk and Picnic 2024 by Upper Downriver Right to Life | BetterWorld

CTP S1EJunSpecial1 (20240505) "UDMI-RTL 2024 Life-Walk" discussion BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video (edited)

CTP S1EJunSpecial1 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Jun 5 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EJunSpecial1) UDMI-RTL Life-Walk 2024 
Program audio issues note - I normally do not like to edit the BTS/SP Video (found on Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, YouTube, @JLenardDetroit channels) but today some audio issues (with my Microphone) and therefore have made some Video BTS/SP edits (you will notice there).  Speaking with Debbie Bloomfield, Ed Kroll, and Al Lemmo, about the June 22 UDMI-RTL Life-Walk 2024.
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript Bonus this Episode  

Episode related pieces...  
- No related corresponding TLB piece this Sat. Jun 5th for this Show/episode (will be corresponding Jun 8 "Is Prayer Alone Enough?" piece for CTP S1E51 Show)    
- BeforeItsNews (May 30) piece title/link TBD   
- donate/join:  
- UDMI-RTL June 22 Life-Walk flyer:   

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